2. Goodbye 9-5. Welcome, new life!

So I quit my job on 2nd of May, 2023 and today, it finally materialised in a more clear discussion. I certainly feel scared about taking this leap, but i know this is the right thing to do.


For one, I don't think I will have the energy to startup again in the future. I don't think I will be ahead of the new skills in the future. along, with, other reasons.

At AISOLO, we hired our first auditors, Indian regulatory and compliance hurdles are endless. So i hired a third party to help me register a company. It leaves you other things you can focus on. They've completed incorporating our company (almost), but a few more things before we're able to call ourselves a company.

I've started posting regularly on my Social Media channels. Most amount of engagement is currently happening at Instagram, my LinkedIn and Twitter look like an empty wild west. But no worries - i'm used to the grind very well. So, i'll keep pushing.

This reminds me, one of my reels went viral off late and I can't be more exciting about it. It crossed 500k views on Instagram, helping me get 600+ followers, 30k+ likes and 50k+ saves and shares. There obviously is an opportunity at Instagram (afterall, I have the most amount of active subscribers there.)

Really makes me think.

Anyway, i'll keep you folks posted.